Mobile Detailing Fine Print
Voucher Expiration
- Vouchers expire 1 year from the date of purchase.
Groupon Purchases
- If you purchased a Groupon for a "Mid-size or Large Interior Detail," it will be honored as a "Basic Interior Detail" as described on our website.
- Appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance to accommodate your schedule.
Refund Policy
- Unredeemed vouchers can be canceled within 3 days of purchase for a full refund.
- For refund requests, please email
Mobile Service Only
- We are a 100% mobile detailing company and do not accept clients at our location.
- To perform our detailing service at your location, we require access to an outdoor power source.
Power Requirement
- Please do not purchase our services if you do not have access to a power source for our detailers' extension cord.
Service Area
- We serve Columbus, Ohio, and locations within a 40-mile radius of zip code 43207.
For any further questions or concerns, contact us at